Are you someone who thinks globally?
Do you lead a project or offer space for others to grow, learn and do meaningful work together?
Let’s share, play, nourish our souls, serve our projects
and create space for emergence within a framework of “maximum choice, maximum freedom”.
… we are currently going through a retrospective and prepare the next iterration for 2020 and beyond
You are invited
– to come together in circle, virtually and globally, with the intention to strengthen the opportunities for joy and harmony in the world;
– into an oasis for people from different walks of life; to learn from each other and grow together: business, non-profit, environmental causes, politics, spirituality, healthcare, education, …
This might be for you if you
- take a global perspective
- have a cause you are passionate about
- consider yourself a leader who is committed to continuous evolution
- walk your talk (sometimes slipping, as we all do) and
- want to have a good time together with other like-minded and like-hearted people
Yes, I want to meet with other emerging leaders!
You have the opportunity to relax into a skillfully facilitated space; free of short term goals. This enable us to tap into the genius of the group, and receive more than you give.
You get to
- fill up your energy tank
- share and develop what is meaningful to you
- experiment in a way you may not elsewhere
- be inspired by others who also go through life with a high intention
- share and listen to stories: what works, what hasn’t worked at all, and what is really funny…
- move forward having grown as a leader
What happens?
In our meeting series over the span of one year, we spend 2,5 hours together, using processes that allow us to tap into our co-creative genius.
All meetings stand by themselves. You can join once, regularly, or every now and then. In our gatherings we combine whole group sharing, small groups, pairs, individual reflection, and co-creating our agenda, as in Open Space Technology.
We expect intriguing conversations, lots of learning, sharing of resources, building of connections and… being surprised by what becomes possible when great people come together in the spirit of honesty, service, and playfulness.
You are welcome if you are willing to
- prepare a good space for yourself from which you call in, so that you can be fully present
- follow what has heart and meaning to you
- listen with generous ears & share your truth free of blame or judgement
- be curious and open to outcome
inspired by Angeles Arrien, The Four-Fold Way
Date & Time (choose one or several)
Time: 18 h European Central / 12noon EST / 9.30pm IST
Duration: 2,5 hours (if 2,5 hours is too big of a time commitment, come for the first hour to „taste“ our offer).
Come if you are willing to enter an open space; filled with possibility.
Bring both: The grown-up you and your inner child!